A checklist will help you avoid wasting time while submitting your application. Most lenders have pre-set criteria to evaluate the application status. The pre-set guidelines are based on their best judgment when a loan applicant comes to them.
If you have already filled up the application forms, and the lender has called for an interview or appraisal, then there is still time to make changes or adjustments on your application. On the other hand, if you have not yet submitted the complete application package to the lender, then the time to submit the completed forms are quite limited. It is important to submit the completed application as soon as possible, so that the lender can evaluate the application before accepting it. This is a major factor in getting fast personal loans.
A checklist before applying for a personal loan will help you identify what information you need to provide to the lender. There are some items that should be included in the personal loan application, though most of them are optional. They will only waste your time and money. Here is a list of the most common items you should have in mind.
A complete and accurate income statement is very important. This will give the lender an idea of how much income you bring in, and the total amount that you expect to receive in salary/wages in a month. This information is required to help the lender decide if you will qualify for a personal loan. You should also have a statement showing your current debts and savings.
When you apply for a personal loan online, you usually will not be asked to provide bank statements, unless you want to. Most online lenders do not require this information because their system does not store it. If you need to have this information before applying for a personal loan, you may choose to send in one or several statements.
Checklists may also be filled out before applying for a home equity or refinancing loans. These types of loans usually include other forms of financial information, such as credit card bills. The lender needs this information to calculate the interest rates, closing costs, and other costs of the loan.
Other items on the checklists before applying for a loan may include your estimated budget, expenses for rent or mortgage, utilities, auto payments, childcare, travel expenses, and groceries. These financial documents should be prepared accurately. They should show your income and expenses, both personal and business, along with your projected monthly expenses. The more information you provide to the lender, the more accurate your loan application will be.
Apply for a loan from a lender, not from your bank or credit union. It takes time to process the information they gather. Do not apply for a loan until you have all of the checklists completed. These checklists are important tools for the loan applicant.
Have all of your personal financial information in one place before filling out an application. You should save all of your financial documents to a file where you can access them easily. Most lenders ask for two forms of ID when processing a personal loan. One form is usually required for a checking account and another is needed for a credit card or car loan.
Check the accuracy of any information you provide on your loan application. Some lenders require a copy of your most recent pay stub. Others require a copy of your utility bill. Do not forget to include your driver’s license number, social security number, current address, telephone number, and current employer. Some lenders will also require an itemized list of expenses that you are claiming on your loan.
After completing your loan application, make sure it is properly completed. Check all boxes that have the appropriate information on them. If you have any other items you want to include, check the appropriate box for them. For example, if you want to add an insurance rider to your personal loan, check the appropriate box.
Once you have completed your loan application, be sure to return to the lender before closing to make sure all the boxes are checked off. Be sure to sign your name in permanent ink and date the document. Follow any instructions the lender provides with your loan papers. Pay attention to any information the lender asks you to and follow their directions carefully.